The SDGs, under the slogan "Leave no one behind", propose ending poverty and hunger, reducing inequalities and addressing urgent challenges such as climate change.

In order to achieve such ambitious goals, the emphasis has been placed on how everyone needs to work together: governments, businesses, civil society and citizens all over the world.
By collaborating and moving in the same direction, we'll be able to tackle all the goals.
On Friday 25 September we're celebrating the 5th anniversary of the SDGs being adopted. We've joined the #apoyamoslosODS (#wesupporttheSDGs) campaign in collaboration with the Red Española del Pacto Mundial (Spanish Global Compact Network), an initiative we've been part of since 2002.
To celebrate, use this hashtag to tell us how you support the SDGs in your day-to-day life. You could be supporting the SDGs with acts as simple as recycling, using less water when you shower or not using plastics.
With this campaign we want to highlight our commitment to the SDGs and use our voice to raise awareness of the goals so we can work together to reach common goals in sustainability and social issues.
Since the Agenda 2030 was adopted in 2015 we've worked hard to align our activities with the SDGs, finding new business opportunities to promote social and sustainable development.
Here are the initiatives we've worked on:
100% of the energy we've purchased in Spain since January 2020 has come from renewable sources, encompassing 800 stores as well as our operational facilities..
The company is committed to guaranteeing decent work throughout its entire supply chain, and works with an External Code of Conduct to ensure effective measures are in place to eradicate forced labour, slavery and human trafficking. It ensures compliance with adequate labour standards across the supply chain through social audits of suppliers and factories.
Cortefiel shows its commitment to sustainable collections with Eco-friendly garments made from recycled fibres, and its introduction of organic cotton.
50% of our brand's denim is H2Ø, using up to 90% less water in the manufacturing process.
We also promote training in responsible design through our Sustainability and Ecodesign Classroom at Madrid Polytechnic University.
The company is part of the Fashion Pact, a coalition joined by leading global fashion brands, all committed to shared environmental goals that are key to protecting the climate, biodiversity and oceans.
We're continuing to make progress with the sustainability strategy, promoting solutions to combat climate change and its effects, by joining the Business Ambition for 1.5ºC.
In order to implement the principles, Tendam has joined the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, overseen by the United Nations' Climate Change Office, to define action pathways and establish an initial target to reduce GHG emissions by 30% by 2030.