Current promotions

Puntual promotions

Up to 50% off selected items, valid from 11/06/2024 to 11/19/2024 at online store. his offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. This offer cannot be used to purchase gift cards and excludes third party branded, tailored shirts and suits. The discount cannot be exchanged for cash or any other alternative. Discounted items already have the promotional discount applied. No code is needed.

Promotions general terms and conditions

Product promotions
1. Free product promotions: promotions entailing the purchase of a product with no costs for buying a certain number of products from the same category in no case will be combined with any other promotion or discount applicable to the mentioned products.
2. Fixed price promotions for the purchase of certain products: promotions entailing the purchase of a number of products with a fixed and invariable price, in no case will be combined with any other promotion or discount applicable to the mentioned products.

Discount promotions
Promotions involving a general discount over the purchase will not be combined with any other promotions, discounts or offers, either with the acquisition of the Gift Card or the outlet. These discounts are non cumulative to the acquisition of third party brands products.

Use of promotional codes
Only one promotional code is allowed in each purchase, that is why promotions requiring a promotional code are non cumulative.